Migungumalo Primary School

Migungumalo Primary School

Improving facilities improves attendance

ARISE has significantly improved the quality of learning environments at Migungumalo Primary School and attendance levels have dramatically increased. The motivation of children, teachers and communities is high.

ARISE efforts at Migungumalo Primary School in Uyui District are improving the quality of local education, increasing school attendance and reducing the likelihood of child labor. The attendance rate this year has increased to 85%, a massive improvement compared to five years ago when it was just 50%. The number of students graduating into secondary school has also increased, with 80% of those enrolled now passing into higher levels of education. The school itself has also moved up the district’s school league table from 87th position to 26th.

ARISE partner JTI has also contributed additional improvements to schools in the region. Classrooms have been refurbished, and teacher housing and sanitary facilities have been constructed. By creating better learning environments, children have access to higher quality education. There has also been a positive impact on the school’s ability to attract and retain teachers. Previously, teachers were housed in low-level accommodation and had to travel to and from the school. Now, because of their new housing, they can live on site and have easy access to the classrooms, and their motivation levels have improved.

“With the support that JTI has given us through ARISE, we hope to one day be listed in the best schools nationwide”, said Mr Abraham Masele, Acting Headmaster, Migungumalo Primary School.

“A major contributing factor was the ARISE campaign, which targeted not only parents, but children as well. It really helped ensure that they attend school. The exercise has encouraged more parents to send their children to school, particularly those who were originally not willing to do so. Some children are even forcing their parents to send them to school here, now that the buildings have been improved!”, added Mr Masele.

ARISE aims to end child labor in communities where JTI sources tobacco leaf. We work with those directly affected and with others who have the power to change things. Our initiatives are developed and delivered in collaboration with tobacco-growing communities, social partners and governments.