Economic empowerment

ARISE officers sharing information with mothers

Economic empowerment

Supporting whole communities

ARISE takes a holistic approach and involves whole communities in a common effort to prevent and eliminate child labor. That’s why providing the means to economic empowerment is a key pillar of our strategy.

The ARISE strategy is to involve the whole community in a common effort to prevent and eliminate child labor and our efforts are supported through a variety of activities. These activities have a strong focus on empowering women in rural areas because they are often in a more economically fragile position. Other financially vulnerable individuals and groups are also a focus because they are susceptible to removing children from education and forcing them to work in tobacco cultivation in times of crisis.

One of our biggest successes is the Model Farm Schools for targeted adolescents. Working together with local governments and community leaders, we establish Model Farm Schools in appropriate areas. These training centers are a flagship of the ARISE program and teach practical agriculture for youth between the ages of 14 and 17. The training includes occupational health and safety education, entrepreneurship and life skills.

ARISE income-generating activities have also created considerable enthusiasm in the local communities where we operate. Women learn new skills and receive training to help them start a business. Farmers in targeted communities are also given access to business and agricultural training. This important aspect of our work creates an opportunity for increased household income and improved livelihoods.

Our conditional capital loans and investments encourage ARISE mothers to establish small businesses. Mothers and guardians are trained in locally relevant revenue-generating skills and small business management. Some women have used the investments to create their own Village Savings & Loan (VSL) schemes opening up access to finance for other community members.                

Areas where we are involved

ARISE aims to end child labor in communities where JTI sources tobacco leaf. We work with those directly affected and with others who have the power to change things. Our initiatives are developed and delivered in collaboration with tobacco-growing communities, social partners and governments.